Removing the Risk from Ransomware attacks

VLN TechSolutions
4 min readDec 15, 2020

As organizations continually encounter growing ransomware threats, conventional means are not as helpful since cybercriminals are finding advanced techniques for attacks. So how can these attacks be prevented? What measures can be taken to protect mission-critical data?

Ransomware is typically deployed in order to lock/restrict a system from accessing its resources until a certain ransom amount is paid to the attacker and is dispersed via malicious emails or hazardous websites.

If a ransomware attack has struck your organization:

Take Action and Restrict

Ransomware needs to be limited as much as possible since it can propagate to other systems. Ensure that all other connected devices are unplugged and taken off the network. There are methods that allow restricting ransomware by protecting datacenters and cloud systems through zones that enable organizations to divide the volume of work. Other solutions such as the Techronis Cyber Protect help prevent ransomware attacks altogether. Leverage the full cloud infrastructure with the ability to failover to and run machines in the cloud.

Effectively noting down the information

Even though there’s no script to follow when a ransomware attack occurs, the preliminary step has to be to note the information that appears on your screen to showcase solid proof later on.

Do not pay the ransom

Ransomware presents a clear and present danger against which all small and medium businesses must defend themselves. The latest strains of ransomware increasingly target SMBs in hopes of scoring large paydays with hefty ransoms. Ransom requests often come in at $1M US dollars that must be paid in short timeframes. While cybersecurity software is the best means to detect and prevent ransomware, it cannot always stop it. Here is where SMB backup solutions enter the scene. Using these solutions, SMBs may create a secondary defensive perimeter. The various features these solutions offer can help to detect, protect, and recover from ransomware attacks.

Review Risks

While legacy features help SMBs respond to ransomware threats, they only go so far. New technologies exist that better equip organizations to detect, prevent, and recover from ransomware attacks. Next-gen features complement, rather than replace, legacy approaches in defeating ransomware.

Anti-malware and web protection

Tecronis Cyber Protect delivers cybersecurity and data protection software in one integrated solution deployed as a single agent. Using it, Cyber Protect can do URL filtering to help prevent malicious file downloads and block access to suspicious web resources. Any files it identifies as suspicious it quarantines which an SMB may delete or recover. It also equips SMBs to centrally manage Microsoft’s native Security Essential and Windows Defender Antivirus applications. Learn more regarding data protection tips for SMBs

Therefore, it makes sense to see if the solution provides you the ability to be quickly up and running after an incident and there is always a chance to fall for cybercriminal traps. A multilayered cybersecurity solution should be able to detect as many threats as possible and provide you the chance to evaluate its detection capabilities.

And if a threat is missed, you should check how quickly you can recover deleted or damaged data or get a user’s machine up and running again. Because eventually, the costs associated with a malicious data loss event can be much higher than the immediate losses from the malware, itself. To know more, you could schedule a call with our subject matter experts.



VLN TechSolutions

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